Comprehensive and scientific understanding of MPP power cable protection tube
Comprehensive and scientific understanding of MPP power cable protection tubeThe MPP power pipe is divided into ordinary type and reinforced type, and the reinforced type is divided into excavation pipe and non excavation pipe. The so-called MPP non excavation pipe is also called MPP jacking pipe, MPP supporting pipe and MPP traction pipe.
1 product information
2 detailed introduction
3 physical properties
Product information editing
MPP power pipe is also called MPP cable pipe and MPP power cable protection pipe.
The main raw material is PP powder (modified polypropylene).
Connection mode: butt joint by hot fusion welding with welding machine, the fusion joint is about 200 degrees, not more than 220 degrees. When the temperature reaches, the two ends can butt joint. (because the connection mode of MPP pipe is hot-melt welding and the welding joint is not good, the cable may be damaged or flattened, so the MPP power pipe must be made of new materials.)
Product color: orange for MPP power pipe
Product length: generally 6 meters / piece, if the number of customers is large, in order to reduce costs, (freight and welding costs, can be made into 6-13 meters / piece).
Overall advantages of the product: the modified polypropylene (MPP) power pipe has the characteristics of high temperature resistance and external pressure resistance, which is suitable for the pipe of high-voltage transmission lines and cables above 10kV. The product has passed the test of the national chemical building materials test center, and achieved better social and economic benefits.
Detailed introduction
1. MPP power pipe has excellent electrical insulation.
2. MPP power pipe has high thermal deformation temperature and low temperature impact performance.
3. The tensile and compressive properties of MPP power pipe are higher than that of HDPE.
4. MPP power pipe is light and smooth, with small friction force, and can be butt welded by hot melting.
5. The long-term service temperature of MPP power pipe is 5-70 ℃.
6. Construction instructions
■ during the transportation and construction of pipes, it is strictly prohibited to throw, impact, scratch and expose them.
■ the axis of the two pipes shall be aligned during hot-melt butt joint, and the end cutting shall be vertical and flat.
■ adjust the processing temperature, time, pressure and climate accordingly.
■ the minimum bending radius of the tube shall be ≥ 75 tube outer diameter.
Scope of application:
It can be widely used in municipal, telecommunication, electric power, gas, tap water, heating and other pipeline projects.
Urban and rural trenchless horizontal directional drilling electric pipe laying engineering, and lighting excavation electric pipe laying engineering.
Urban and rural trenchless horizontal directional drilling sewage discharge pipe project, industrial wastewater discharge project.
Physical performance editing
Main physical and mechanical properties of MPP pipe
test method
Density g / cm & sup3;
Coefficient of sliding friction
Tensile strength (23 ± 2) ℃ MPa
Tensile strength (70 ± 2) ℃
Welding tensile strength (23 ± 2) ℃ MPa
Bending strength (23 ± 2) ℃ MPa
Bending modulus of elasticity MPa
Flat test (1 / 2 of pipe diameter, - 5 ℃)
Vicat heat resistance (10N, 50 ℃ / h) ℃
Out of roundness mm
Minimum allowable bending radius m
Qualitative analysis of materials
Modified polypropylene MPP
Drop weight impact test (- 5 ℃ / 8h, R20)
9 / 10 unbroken
The commonly used product specifications and models are as follows: unit: Hangzhou Tongdu Industrial Co., Ltd. also produces the following specifications
external diameter
Ring rigidity 20KN / ㎡
Ring stiffness 40kN / ㎡
Ring stiffness 80KN / ㎡
Nominal wall thickness
Mass (kg / M)
Nominal wall thickness
Mass (kg / M)
Nominal wall thickness
Mass (kg / M)
Nominal wall thickness
One hundred and ten
Five point seven
one point eight one two
Seven point two
two point two five two
Nine point one
two point seven eight two
One hundred and twenty-five
Six point four
two point three four five
Eight point two
two point nine zero eight
ten point three
three point five seven zero
One hundred and forty
Seven point two
two point nine one two
Nine point two
three point six four eight
eleven point six
four point four nine one
One hundred and sixty
Eight point two
three point seven eight four
ten point five
four point seven four five
thirteen point two
five point eight four four
One hundred and eighty
Nine point two
four point seven six nine
eleven point eight
five point nine eight six
fourteen point nine
seven point three nine six
Two hundred
ten point three
five point nine one eight
thirteen point one
seven point three nine six
sixteen point five
nine point one zero seven
Two hundred and twenty-five
eleven point six
seven point four eight zero
fourteen point eight
nine point three six seven
eighteen point six
eleven point five four
Two hundred and fifty
twelve point eight
nine point one six zero
sixteen point four
eleven point five four
twenty point six
fourteen point one nine
Nominal outside diameter
Nominal ring strength
One hundred and ten
One hundred and twenty-five
One hundred and forty
One hundred and sixty
One hundred and eighty
Two hundred
Two hundred and twenty-five
One hundred and fifty
three thousand and sixty
three thousand and eight hundred
four thousand and eight hundred
six thousand and three hundred
seven thousand and nine hundred
nine thousand and eight hundred
twelve thousand and four hundred
fifteen thousand and three hundred
three thousand and seven hundred
four thousand and eight hundred
six thousand
seven thousand and nine hundred
ten thousand
twelve thousand and three hundred
fifteen thousand and six hundred
nineteen thousand and three hundred
four thousand and six hundred
five thousand and nine hundred
seven thousand and five hundred
nine thousand and seven hundred
twelve thousand and four hundred
fifteen thousand and two hundred
nineteen thousand and three hundred
twenty-three thousand and eight hundred
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